deb, you anycodings_debian could run dpkg -i zenmap-X.XX.bĪpp would not open, running from CLI I anycodings_debian figured that some python libs failed to anycodings_debian loadĬould not import the zenmapGUI.App anycodings_debian module: 'No module named gtk'. Then, from anycodings_debian I anycodings_debian downloaded Ubuntu Main amd64 Official anycodings_debian alien_8.90_all.deb installed with: dpkg -i alien_8.90_all.debĭownloaded the latest Zenmap rpm version anycodings_debian hereĪnd successfully converted rpm to deb anycodings_debian running alien zenmap-X.XX.noarch.rpm To do so, I uninstalled the current anycodings_debian alien version with apt-get remove alien I downgraded to a different Alien anycodings_debian version to skip these dh verification anycodings_debian changes. Zenmap.rpm packages anycodings_debian seem to be non-compilant with these anycodings_debian updates. There is some information online, and anycodings_debian it's also detailed in the changelogs as anycodings_debian well, explaining some changes performed anycodings_debian on the latest alien updates and how they anycodings_debian read the dh headers. To solve this, I had to downgrade to anycodings_debian Alien version 8.90, since I was using anycodings_debian 8.95.3 Here's the anycodings_debian log:ĭh: error: specify a sequence to anycodings_debian run make: I had the same issue installing Zenmap anycodings_debian in kali linux. If those commands run perfectly you can anycodings_debian now run: sudo zenmapĮt voilÃÂ ! :) 0 T05:28:50+00:00 T05:28:50+00:00 Answer Link Now we will locate our zenmap file and anycodings_debian run these commands: sudo alien

Install alien: dpkg -i alien_8.90_all.deb First just to make sure you don't have anycodings_debian any rpm problems run this command: apt-get -fix-broken installĭpkg -i python-gobject-2_2.28.6-14ubuntu1_bĭpkg -i python-cairo_1.16.2-2ubuntu2_bĭpkg -i python-gtk2_2.24.0-5.1ubuntu2_bĪnd after you have all that installed anycodings_debian lets make sure our alien version is anycodings_debian 8.90.